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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  16, Issue 1,  January - April 2024, Pages 43-50

Review Article

A Short Review of Various Models of International Human Resource Management

Rohit Kumar Pal

Head of the Department, Biological & Environmental Science, Rice Education, Kolkata, West Bengal 700056, India

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Nowadays, organizations are going international to capitalize on the opportunities in terms of a bigger market, cheaper resources, and flexible policies. Various types of organizations are working at the international level. They are like international companies, multinational companies, global organizations, translational organizations, international schools, international universities, etc. For this, managers need to upskill themselves to promote their organization at the international level. But we often see, a lack of proper skillset causes organizational conflict, and thus, productivity is hampered. This article is suitable for entry-level managers as well as students of human resource management who will lead a company at the international level in the upcoming days.

Keywords : International; Human Resource; Management; Upskill; Managers; Students.
Corresponding Author : Rohit Kumar Pal