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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  16, Issue 1,  January - April 2024, Pages 35-41

Review Article

Social Media: A Communication Instrument

Arpita Sharma Kandpal

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Communication, College of Agricultural, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Udham Singh Nagar, Pantnagar 263145, Uttarakhand, India.

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The integration of social media into educational environments has witnessed a steady rise, presenting numerous advantages and opportunities for students and educators alike. These platforms offer avenues for collaboration, communication, and idea sharing beyond traditional classroom boundaries. Students and educators can participate in group projects, discussions, and knowledge exchange, promoting a sense of community and enriching learning experiences. Social media also grants students access to a vast array of information and educational materials, enhancing their learning resources. Present paper aim is to discuss the role of social media as a communication instrument.

Keywords : Social media; Communication; Instrument.
Corresponding Author : Arpita Sharma Kandpal