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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  16, Issue 1, January - April 2024, Pages 29-33

Original Article

Study to assess the Physical Discomfort among Computer users at Selected IT office in Coimbatore

Jeya Beulah D.

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Nursing Community Health Nursing, SCPM College of Nursing and Para Medical Sciences, Gonda 271003, Uttar Pradeh, India.

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This study entitled “study to assess the physical discomfort among computer users at selected IT office in Coimbatore”submitted in the year 2023.

Aims: The objectives are to assess the level of physical discomforts among computer users in selected IT office at Coimbatore; to determine the association between the levels of physical discomfort with their selected socio demographic variables.

Hypothesis: There is a significant association between the levels of physical discomforts with their selected socio demographic variables.

Design and setting: Quantitative approach descriptive design was used. Total 40 IT workers were selected from selected IT Company at Coimbatore.

Methods and Materials: Purposive sampling technique was used to select 40 participants in IT company at Coimbatore. By using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment scale level of physical discomfort was assessed. The findings of this study revealed that most of workers have some and more risk injuryand alsothere was no significant association between levels of physical discomfort with selected demographic variables of computer users.

Conclusion: The study findings showed that there is a need of ergonomic intervention in decreasing the physical discomfort among computer users.

Keywords : Physical discomfort; Computer users; IT workers.
Corresponding Author : Jeya Beulah D.,