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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  16, Issue 1,  January - April 2024, Pages 7-13

Original Article

Socio-Economic Status of Textile Workers with Special Reference to Puthiyamputhur Village of Thoothukudi District

D. Amutha

Head & Associate Professor, Department of Economics, St. Mary's College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli 627012, Tamil Nadu, India

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In the world of textiles, India stands out thanks to its vast manufacturing capacity and plenty of raw materials. The textile industry, along with other significant sectors, not only forms the backbone of the economy but also makes significant contributions. It is worth mentioning that around 27 percent of the country's total foreign exchange earnings come from textile and apparel exports alone. The success and sustainability of the textile industry are greatly affected by how satisfied the employees are. The economic and social standing of the textile workers in the Puthiyamputhur hamlet of Thoothukudi District is the primary subject of this research.

Keywords : Textile industry; Socio-economic development; Garment production; Auxiliary industries; Livelihood manpower; Infrastructure and housing sectors.
Corresponding Author : D. Amutha