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Indian Journal of Forensic Odontology

Volume  16, Issue 2,  July - December 2023, Pages 65--69

Case Report

Oral Autopsy in Forensic Odontology as an Effort for Human Identification in Medico-legal Investigations

Drashti Bhuptani1, Manish Kumath2, Manav Sharma3

1Senior Forensic Assistant, Crime Branch, Delhi Police, India, 2Director Professor, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi 110029, India

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Forensic science including forensic odontology deals with the dental evidences and its examination. Human identification is of utmost importance in medicolegal investigations. Teeth, physical injuries, bitemarks, lip prints and oro facial structures are the normal evidences used in forensic odontology investigations. Dental evidences include dentition, oro facial characters and DNA profiling for personal identification. DNA is an excellent means for identification of unidentified human remains. Oral autopsy refers to an elaborate examination of the oral cavity. In difficult cases where oral examination cannot be completed due to accessibility, for proper visualization of teeth and its structure, oral autopsy is necessary. This is a case study where oral autopsy was done using a simple effective technique for the extraction of tooth for DNA Fingerprinting for the identification of unknown. It is an ongoing need and is essential to ensure that crime investigators deliver the best possible service to the criminal justice system. Currently, forensic dentistry plays a major role in forensic research and identification of humans worldwide. The role of teeth in providing age estimation, sex determination, race and misidentification is undisputed.

Keywords : Forensic Odontology; Oral Autopsy; DNA fingerprinting; Personal Identification.
Corresponding Author : Manav Sharma,