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Indian Journal of Forensic Odontology

Volume  16, Issue 2, July - December 2023, Pages 59-62

Review Article

Exploring the Global Use of Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Investigations

Debasis Bora1, Sazida Yasmin

1Associate Professor, 2UG Student, Programme of Forensic Science, Assam down town University, Guwahati 781026, Assam, India

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Widespread adoption, integration and implications of artificial intelligence (AI) in forensic investigations are gaining traction on a global scale. By examining existing literature and case studies, this review elucidates the multifaceted roles AI plays in enhancing forensic processes, ranging from crime scene analysis to digital forensics. This comprehensive review highlights the utilization of AI algorithms for evidence extraction, pattern recognition, and predictive analytics, enabling investigators to streamline workflows and uncover hidden insights from complex data sets. Furthermore, it discusses the ethical and legal considerations surrounding the deployment of AI in forensic contexts, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and safeguards against potential biases. Drawing on references from various jurisdictions, the paper offers insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating AI technologies into forensic practices worldwide. Ultimatelythis review contributes to a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of AI-driven forensic investigations and underscores the importance of responsible AI implementation in the pursuit of justice.

Keywords : Artificial Intelligence; Forensic; Investigation; Evidence; Tool; Software; Future.
Corresponding Author : Debasis Bora