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Indian Journal of Forensic Odontology

Volume  16, Issue 2, July - December 2023, Pages 47-56

Original Article

Comparative Study of Lip Print between Multigender Community using Suzuki Classfication

Vijayalakshmi V.1, Priyanka Verma2, Rohith M.3

1,3Student, 2Associatae Professor, Department of Forensic Science, University Institute of Applied Health Science, Chandigarh University, Punjab 140413, India.

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A crucial part of forensic investigations is personal identification. Lip prints, a unique pattern in the labial mucosa, can be studied used in chelioscopy. These prints can vary in each person, making them admissible in courts. Homosapiens can change their gender through hormone therapy, and progesterone exposure can be related to high non-heterosexual self-esteem. This study explores the interdisciplinary landscape of forensics, material science, and medicine, addressing gender identities like lesbian, gay, bisexual, non-binary gender, and gender queer using there lip traces. In chelioscopy technique lip wrinkles are to identify suspect/victim in cases of crime where clues left like lip print traces in the cases like rape, bulgarly etc... Since lip prints are distinct and even identical in twins, they are useful in the investigation of crimes. Lip print analysis is crucial since it can reroute cases because it's a sensitive shift among people. Aims and Objectives: The current study's objectives were to assess the most common lip grooves among the three genders (male, female, and LGBT) and improve the effectiveness of crime solving

Keywords : Keywords: Gender; Lip prints; Similarity; Crime solving.
Corresponding Author : Vijayalakshmi V.