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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  2, Issue 2, July–December 2021, Pages 65-68

Review Article

Need for Revamping Viscera Preservation in India

Mohit Gupta

Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital,
New Delhi -110029, India.

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Viscera is routinely preserved during post mortem examination in cases of poisoning. Since long the quantity and the number of tissues preserved during autopsy have remained unchanged. With advent of new scientific techniques of testing and analysis, the system of viscera preservation in India needs to evolve. The need of the hour is to embrace the technological advancements and use it to protect the time, money and space of government and more importantly preserving the body, integrity and the rights of the deceased.

Keywords : Viscera; Poisoning; Post-mortem Examination; Autopsy.
Corresponding Author : Mohit Gupta