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Pediatrics Education and Research

Volume  11, Issue 3, September – December 2023, Pages 101-103

Original Article

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Kangaroo Mother Care among Nursing Students in Selected College of Rajkot

Usha Devi1, Hanee Patel2

1Associate Professor, 2B.Sc. Nursing,
Murlidhar College of Nursing, Kalipat, Rajkot, Gujarat 360020,

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Premature birth imposes a tremendous stress for both the baby and the mother. To save the baby life, infant is monitored under the incubator and warmer surrounded by unfamiliar sounds like buzzers, bells but lies all by himself in warmer. The treatment and routine caregiving procedures cause pain and discomfort making it difficult for very low birth weight infants to experience restful and undisturbed periods of sleep. Analternative method, which is easy and cheap to practice, having more advantage is kangaroo care provided for the satisfactory improvement in infant health.

The present Pre experimental one group pre-test and post-test research design was conducted among nursing students to evaluate the effectiveness of Kangaroo mother care. The researcher selected 60 samples based on non probity sampling technique. The results shown that the level of knowledge was improved after implementation of structured teaching, which indicates the structured teaching was effective. The researcher concluded that, the teaching aids will be helpful in improving knowledge among students as well as public. The researcher recommended that, the community education programme and personal behavior change education is required to save the baby life and reduce the neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality in India.

Keywords : Knowledge; Kangaroo Mother Care; Nursing Students.
Corresponding Author : Hanee Patel,