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Pediatrics Education and Research

Volume  11, Issue 3, September – December 2023, Pages 95-98

Original Article

Role of Low Level Laser Therapy in Pediatric Burn Wound

Karavadi Anuradha1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2, Amrutha3

1Junior Resident, Department of
General Surgery, 2Professor, 3Senior Resident, Department of
Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical
Education and Research, Pondicherry 605006, India.

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Burn is defined as a traumatic injury of thermal origin, which affects the organic tissue. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has gained great prominence as a treatment in this type of injury.The aim of this case report is to assess the role of Low level laser therapy in healing of
wounds in burn wounds in paediatric burns patients. Normal wound healing takes around 3 weeks with epithelisation at 1mm/day. The advanced wound healing therapies help in expediting the advancement of epithelial edge of the wound.

Keywords : LLLT; Paediatric burns; Wound healing
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria,