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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  2, Issue 1, January - June 2021, Pages 9-13

Original Article

Distribution of Fingerprint Patterns in North: Indian Population

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The study of epidermal ridge pattern of finger, sole and palm is known as Dactylographic or Dactyloscopy. The Dactyloscopy relays on the analysis on the pattern type. There are greater and progressive advancement in the field of forensic fingerprint and technologies related to this analysis like recording, lifting, and developing of prints under different conditions. Fingerprints are the chief and paramount importance in the field of forensic investigation. These are unique, difficult to alter and durable over the life of an individual. Identification
using the fingerprints is outright and unerring. At the crime scene, identification can be made by comparing very small portion of ridges left. The present study was carried out among 500 peoples, 250 males and 250 females of North Indian population belonging to age between 10-80 years with the aim to found the most popular pattern found in North Indians mainly
Haryanvi’s. The rolled fingerprints were taken using by the ink method and their patterns were identified. This prospective study was carried out over the period of approx 6 months. The results showed the majority of population having the Loop pattern that is 57.5% of total population.

Keywords : Dactyloscopy; North Indians; Loops; Whorls; Arches.
Corresponding Author : Prasansha Singla