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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  1, Issue 1, January - June 2020, Pages 23-25

Review Article

Traumatic Brain Injury Premature Discharge: Negligence or Not?

Arvind Kumar1, Rishabh Kumar Singh2, Mahesh Kumar3

1Professor, 2Senior Resident, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi
110001, India. 3Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh 171001, India.

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Saving the life of a patient is the top most priority for any surgeon, especially in cases of traumatic brain injury. In current scenario where cases of litigation against the doctors are on a sharp rise, the doctor should take utmost care during the course of treatment. Therefore it becomes essential for the treating doctor to follow the established guidelines.

A case where a Neurosurgeon was charged with negligence of premature discharge in a case of Traumatic Brain Injury came to us for review. A previous board of Doctors had ruled against the Neurosurgeon and held him guilty of premature discharge of the patient. On meticulously scrutinizing the case and all the relevant records, we came to the conclusion that the discharge was not suggestive of premature in nature and inadequate patient care.

All cases of traumatic brain injury should be assessed cautiously using the set guidelines. The conventional belief that GCS is sole criteria for discharging or admitting a patient is also not true. Multi-Organizational Consensus Recommendations for India in traumatic brain injury has laid down the guidelines for systemic approach to a patient of traumatic brain injury which should be strictly adhered to increases the chances of saving the life of the patient as well as reducing medical negligence charges.

Keywords : Traumatic Brain Injury; Negligence; Premature discharge of patient; GCS.
Corresponding Author : Mahesh Kumar