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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  1, Issue 1, January - April 2012, Pages 25-27

Original Article

A Study to Assess the Self-Concept and Adjustment Levels of 1st Year B. Sc. (Nursing) Students in Selected Colleges of Mangalore Taluk (Dakshina Kannada)

Gururaj Udapi

Assistant Professor cum I/C HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing, KLE University’s Institute of Nursing Sciences, Nehrunagar, Belgaum - 590 010. (Karnataka)

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Adolescence is a dynamic period of growth and development that bridges childhood to adulthood, while being distinctly different from both groups. Adolescence is characterized by many interrelated changes of body, mind, and social relationships. The broad purpose of the study was to identify the 1st Year B.Sc.(Nursing) students having low selfconcept and adjustment problems in order to develop an effective guidance and counseling program for the students. The adjustment among first year university students directly and adversely affected university teaching. Adjustment problems diminish in the first three months and certainly last no longer than first year.

Keywords: Self concept; Adjustment.

Corresponding Author : Gururaj Udapi