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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  12, Issue 2, May - August 2023, Pages 67-70

Original Article

A Study to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Substance Abuse and its Prevention among Late Adolescence Non-Medical Under Graduate Students in Surat

Alka D Tajne1 , Anamta Gamit2 , Sejal S Patel3 , Snehanjali Kokani4 , Nidhi Vasava5

1 Professor, 2-5Fourth year Nursing Student, Department of Psychiatry Nursing, Vibrant Nursing College, Masma, Olpad road, Surat 394540, Gujarat, India.

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Introduction: Quantitative approach was used with pre-experimental one group pre-test post- test design. The structured teaching program regarding substance abuse and its prevention among late adolescence non-medical under graduate students at selected college of surat. The study was conducted at Industrial training institute, Majura gate, Surat. The sample of 60 ITI students were selected though non probability convenient sampling technique. A structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of sample. Content validity of the developed tools and structured teaching program was established by 5 expert and necessary modification were made as suggested by them. Reliability of the tool was ascertained by karl pearson’s coefficient correlation method. The mean pre-test score was 9.95 and mean post-test knowledge  core was 17.13. significant of the difference between pre-test and post-test was statistically tested using paired ‘t’ test and it was found significant at 0.05 level. There was significant increase in the knowledge of the sample after administration of the structured teaching program regarding substance abuse and its prevention among late adolescent non-medical under graduate students. Hence it is concluded that structured teaching program was effective in improving the knowledge of the students.

Keywords : Assess; knowledge; Undergraduate; Substance Abuse; Structured Teaching Program.
Corresponding Author : Alka D Tajne