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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  12, Issue 2, May - August 2023, Pages 59-64

Original Article

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Module on Soft Skill

Pallavi Biswas

Nursing Tutor, College of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, Dahegaon, Maharashtra 441109, India.

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Introduction: Soft skill are individual attributes which is essential for establishing good communication and interpersonal relationship within the organizations. This can be understood as personal characteristics, own opinion or attitude and individual qualities. Lack of these soft skill create a gap in nursing care with effective nursing care or holistic nursing care. Active listening and therapeutic touch are important aspect of soft skill.

Method: The present study adopted Evaluating research approach. One group pre-test and post-test design was used to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Module for Staff Nurses regarding knowledge of soft skill. In the study the sample comprised of 63 staff Nurses Betul was fulfilling the inclusive criteria. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample.

Result: The data presented show that out of 63 subjects’ majority 23 (36.50%) staff nurses belonged to age group of 31-40 years, whereas majority 50 (79.36%) were females, highest percentage 33 (52.38%) of staff nurses are B.Sc. Nursing, Majority 28 (44.44%) staff nurses having 5-10 years of experience and majority 56 (89%) had no additional qualification regarding soft skill apart from their nursing program. The data depicts that the obtained t value was 15.00 and p value 0.001. Hence H1 was accepted and it is interpreted that knowledge of staff nurses regarding Soft Skill has significantly improved compared to pre-test.

Keywords : Soft skills; Structured Teaching Module; Staff Nurses
Corresponding Author : Pallavi Biswas