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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  11, Issue 3, September-December 2022, Pages 93-99

Original Article

Effect of Structured Teaching Regarding Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems among Parents

Chuneshwari Sahu

M.Sc. Nursing Student, Department of Nursing, The Academy of Nursing Sciences and Hospital, Gwalior 474002, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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Background of Study: Emotional and behavioral problems are common concerns for guardians and family members. Emotional and behavioral problems in early childhood tend to continue into middle childhood and adolescence and can predict later social and academic problems or other difficulties such as substance use.

Objectives: Assess the knowledge regarding Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems before the structured teaching program. Assess the knowledge regarding Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems after the structured teaching program. Assess the effectiveness of structured teaching on knowledge regarding childhood emotional and behavioral problems among parents. To find the association between knowledge with selected socio-demographic variables.

Research Methodology: This research was a quantitative evaluatory study. A Pre-experimental study design was used to obtain an accurate and meaningful description of the study. The study population was parents of children. The setting for the present study is three villages. The nonprobability purposive sampling technique approach was brought to be most appropriate for the study. The sample size included in the study consist of 100 parents of children Parents having children age group 5–18 years were enrolled as study participants.

Result: The pre-test mean score is 11.6, the Mean percentage is 29, and the standard deviation is ±6.45. The post-test mean score is 31.9, the Mean percentage is 79.75, and the standard deviation is ± 4.88. the majority of subjects, 48% (48) had poor knowledge regarding childhood emotional and behavioral disorders in the pre-test, 42% (42) had average knowledge, and only 10% (10) subjects had good knowledge in the pre-test. After one week of the planned teaching program, 60% (60) of the subject had excellent knowledge, 36% (36) had good knowledge, and 4% (4) had average knowledge. There is a significant association between sociodemographic variable and knowledge score as the calculated chi-square value is greater than the table values at 0.05 level of significance.

Conclusion: In our study, we found that the majority of subjects, 48%, had poor knowledge regarding childhood emotional and behavioral disorders in the pre-test, and 42% had average knowledge. Only 10% of subjects had good knowledge in the pre-test and none of them had excellent knowledge regarding childhood emotional and behavioral disorders in the pre-test. After one week of the planned teaching program, 60% of the subject had excellent knowledge, 36% had good knowledge, and 4% had average knowledge. In this study, we found that parents gain knowledge about emotional and behavioral disorders.


Keywords : Emotional disorder; Behavioural disorder; Childhood mental problems.
Corresponding Author : Chuneshwari Sahu, M.Sc. Nursing Student, Department of Nursing, The Academy of Nursing Sciences and Hospital, Gwalior 474002, Madhya Pradesh, India.