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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  9, Issue 3, September-December 2020, Pages 99-102

Original Article

Assessment of Predictive and Environmental Factors Involved in Delinquent Behavior in a Selected Juvenile Home of South India with a View to Develop an Informational Booklet on Preventive Strategies Involved in Juvenile Delinquency

Rajayalakshmi M1, Anumol Joseph2, Sister Mary3

1MSc Nursing Student, 3Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Vijay Marie College of Nursing, Hyderabad 500016, Telangana, India. 2Lecturer, Lead College, Level 1/841 George St, Haymarket NSW 2000, Australia

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 Introduction: A descriptive study to assess the predictive and environmental factors involved in delinquent behavior in a selected juvenile home of Hyderabad, with a view to develop an informational booklet on preventive strategies involved in juvenile delinquency. Methodology: Research design selected for the present study was descriptive research design structured checklist and structured questionnaire 3 point likert scale was used to collect the data from the juvenile delinquent inmates. Purposive sampling method was used to selection of the sample. A total sample size for the study was 60.A selected juvenile home was selected. Results: The study results showed that 38.4% of subjects had mild influence of predictive factor, 56.6% of subjects have moderate influence of predictive factor and 5% of subjects had severe influence of predictive factor. The 65% of delinquents reported mild influence of environmental factor, 33.4% of delinquents reported moderate influence and surprisingly only 1.6% of delinquent had severe influence. In regards to the predictive factors about 45 (75%) were having history of delinquent behavior, 47 (78.3%) had history of violence and 60 (100%) were from broken families, 38.4% of subjects have mild influence of predictive factor, 56.6% of subjects have moderate influence of predictive factor and 5% of subjects have severe influence of predictive factor, The majority of the subjects belonged to socio economic factors 59 (98.3%) and personal factors. There is a significant association between the selected demographic variables like education of juveniles, religion, education of father and education of mother.

Keywords: Predictive Factors; Environmental Factorsand Juvenile Delinquents.

Corresponding Author : Anumol Joseph