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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  9, Issue 2, May–August 2020, Pages 71-78

Original Article

A Study to Assess the Awareness Regarding Hepatitis and its Prevention Among General Population in Selected Area of Moradabad (U.P)

Shalini Choudhary

Assistant Professor, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Nursing, Moradabad, Bagadpur, Uttar Pradesh 244001 India

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The present study has been undertaken to assess knowledge score regarding hepatitis and its prevention among general population in selected area of Moradabad. The research way for present study was descriptive. The target number of people for study was general population in selected area of Moradabad. The sample size of the study
was 100 and gathering the data questionnaire checklist was prepared and the sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling technique.

Keyword- Hepatitis; prevention; General Population.

Corresponding Author : Mrs. Shalini Choudhary