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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  9, Issue 1, January-April 2020, Pages 29-32

Original Article

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of STP on Knowledge Regarding Legal and Ethical Aspects in Psychiatric Nursing among Staff Nurses

Rajendra Prasad Sharma1, Mohita Yadav2

1Associate Professor, 2Lecturer, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Mahatma Gandhi Nursing College, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302022, India.

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Psychiatric nursing is the science and art of providing protective, therapeutic, supportive, physical and social care to the people too ill to be completely responsible for management for their own behavior. For clients in mental hospitals and other institutional settings, the psychiatric nurse is the primary health care provider and is, in fact, a primary mental health care nurse. Background of the study: The role of nurses and professional nursing has expanded rapidly within the past few decades to include expertise specialization, autonomy and accountability, both from a legal and ethical perspective. This expansion has forced new concern among nurses and a heightened awareness of the interaction of legal and ethical principles. Ethics is the science relating to moral actions and one’s value system. Many nurses envision ethics are dealing with principles or mortality and what is right or wrong. Ethics are concern with motivates and attitudes and the relationships of these attitudes for the individuals.

Keywords: Ethics; Psychiatric nursing.

Corresponding Author : Mohita Yadav