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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  9, Issue 1, January-April 2020, Pages 25-28

Original Article

A Study to Determine the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding the Ill-Effects of Substance Abuse among ITI Students of Selected ITI Colleges in Dharwad, Karnataka

Nagesh V Ajjawadimath

Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute of Nursing Sciences, Sattur, Dharwad, Karnataka 580009, India.

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Background of the study: Substance abuse is a growing problem in India, in 1956 by the World Health Organization and the American Psychiatric Association, substance abuse is “the illicit consumption of any naturally occurring or pharmaceutical substance for the purpose of changing the way in which a person feels, thinks or behaves, without understanding or taking into consideration the damaging physical and mental side-effects that are caused. Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitude. To determine the correlation and association between knowledge and attitude of ITI students regarding the ill-effects of substance abuse with selected socio-demographic variables. Design: A descriptive design was used for the study. Results: The knowledge mean score of ITI students was 9.26 with Standard deviation of ±1.91 median of 10. The attitude mean score of ITI Students was 18.13 with Standard deviation of ±1.58 median of 18. Study subjects according to the level of Knowledge among ITI students majority 48 (80%) had moderate knowledge and inadequate knowledge 7 (11.66%). Adequate knowledge only 5 (8.33%) of ITI students the level of attitude among ITI students majority 32 (53.33%) had positive attitude and 15 (25%) Favorable attitude only 13 (21.66%) of ITI students had Negative attitude. r = 0.48 (0 > r > +1), hence there was moderately positive correlation between knowledge and attitude. Since there was positive correlation research hypotheses is accepted. Chi-square value is significant between knowledge regarding ill-effects of substance abuse. With personal variables like association among the like educational level of students, type of family value is significant between Level of attitude regarding ill-effects of substance abuse with personal variables like age, type of family, percentage of SSLC and rest all were not significant at 0.05 level. Conclusion: Majority of ITI Students had moderate knowledge regarding ill-effects of substance. Most of the ITI Students had positive attitude towards ill effects of substance.

Keywords: Knowledge; Attitude; Substance abuse; ITI students.

Corresponding Author : Nagesh V Ajjawadimath