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  Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Prof. Nutan Agarwal, New Delhi

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Current issue: Volume Volume 12 , Number 1 ( January – March ), 2024

Contents available from: 2013


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Editorial-Chief Prof. Nutan Agarwal, New Delhi
ISSNp 2321-1636
ISSNe 2455-5339
Frequency Bi-Monthly
IC Value 2020: 85.28, 2021: 88.15, 2018: 91.08, 2016: 76.58, 2015: 72.87
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2013
Affiliated to RFPPL own publication

Obstetricians, Gynecologists, General Practitioners, Family Practitioners, Endocrinologists, Oncologists, Pediatricians, and Neonatologists

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 72.87, 2016: 76.58, 2018: 91.08, 2020: 85.28, 2021: 88.15)
Genamics JournalSeek
Science Library Index
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (IJOG) publishes original peer-reviewed papers in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including obstetrics, midwives, mothers, women's medicine, gynaecological urinary medicine, gynaecological endocrinology, fertility, reproductive medicine, genital medicine, sexual medicine, prenatal diagnosis, perinatology, cystopathology, General gynaecology, Community gynecology, family planning, epidemiology, reproductive ethics, medical education, menoprophy, operation gynecology. The journal publishes original research, reviews, case reports, letters to editors, short communications, scans of journals, conference calendars in all volumes.

The Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Current Issue Volume 12,Number 1 2024
Original Article
Severe Acute Maternal Morbidity: An indicator of Obstetric Care
Mamatha K
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Randomized Trial of Intravenous Labetalol Versus Oral Nifedipine in Acute Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Emergencies of Pregnancy
Uma Mahesh Sindoor
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Study of Pregnancy Outcome in Various High Risk Pregnancies
Uma Mahesh Sindoor,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Prospective Observational Study of Patient Related Outcome of Post Hysterectomized Females
Sakshi Nakade,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Case Report
Mullerian Cyst: Case Report of a Rare Entity
Neelotparna Saikia
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy: A Rare Case Report
Rajneet Bhatia,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Rare Case of Xanthogranulomatous Salpingo-oophoritis
Ananya Das
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: Know the unbeknown
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]