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  Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health


Dr. Lekha Viswanath, Kochi

ISSN (Print):

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DOI: 10.21088/jnmmh.2454.7506

Current issue: Volume 10, Number 1 (January – April ), 2024

Contents available from: 2015


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All Back Issues From Volume 1-10 (Online Only) 2024 ₹48000
Editorial-Chief Dr. Lekha Viswanath, Kochi
ISSNp 2454-7506
ISSNe 2455-8389
Frequency Semiannual
IC Value IC Value: 2015: 64.85, 2016: 75.08, 2018: 71.85, 2020: 79.59, 2021: 81.52
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2015
Affiliated to RFPPL own Journal

Midwives, physicians, and other professionals involved with perinatal education and maternal-child health care

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 64.85, 2016: 75.08, 2018: 71.85, 2020: 79.59, 2021: 81.52)
Gaudeamus Academia
Science Library Index
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health (JNMMH) is a peer-reviewed journal covers the fields of family practice, women's health care, emergency nursing, psychiatry, geriatric nursing and pediatric nursing. The journal aims to present new research and current knowledge in a wide range of clinical and interdisciplinary fields such as maternal care, gynaecology, primary care for women and newborns, public health, health policy, and global health. The journal publishes original works on nursing, midwifery and maternal health. Members of our technical and editorial team of nurses, midwives and related fields ensure the quality and review standards of our publications.

Current Issue Volume 10,Number 1 2024
Original Article
Knowledge Level on Ill Effects of Air Pollution among Students in Selected Schools
Priya Kumari
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Study to assess the Knowledge on Breast Cancer Risk Factors among Women Attending Selected OPDs at K.G Hospital, Coimbatore
B. Priyadharsini,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Review Article
Harmonizing Healing: Exploring Reflex Zone Stimulation's Role in Enhancing Postpartum Comfort: A Narrative Review
Naseema Shafqat,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Nurturing Emotional well-being in Infertility: Nurses Role in Infertility Support
Gowri Sayee Jagadesan
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]