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  International Journal of Pediatric Nursing


Mrs. Rupa A. Varma, Nagpur

ISSN (Print):

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DOI: 10.21088/ijpen.2454.9126

Current issue: Volume 10, Number 1 (January – April), 2024

Contents available from: 2015


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Editorial-Chief Mrs. Rupa A. Varma, Nagpur
ISSNp 2454-9126
ISSNe 2455-6343
Frequency Semiannual
IC Value IC ValuE: 2015: 65.65, 2016: 75.33, 2018: 83.72,2020:86.97, 2021:91.75
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2015
Affiliated to RFPPL own Journal

Child health Nurses, Pediatricians, Surgeons, Neonatologists and Geneticists

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 65.65, 2016: 75.33, 2018: 83.72, 2020:86.97, 2021:91.75)
Gaudeamus Academia
Science Library Index
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The International Journal of Pediatric Nursing (IJPEN) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides original peer-reviewed research based on the philosophy of pediatric nursing, including a family-centered approach. The journal covers the life cycle from birth to adolescence. The proposal should take into account the needs of healthy babies, children and adolescents in terms of breastfeeding, taking into account their physiological and psychological needs. IJPEN also provides the following regular columns for authors to submit brief papers: research comments, clinical practice, hot topics and technologies.

The International Journal of Pediatric Nursing is a peer-reviewed journal.

Current Issue Volume 12,Number 1 2024
Original Article
Effect of Customized Integrated Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect among Peoples Residing in Rural Area of Bhopal
Monika David,
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Gender Based Level of Self-Esteem among Adolescents
Rajathi Sakthivel
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Review Article
Relation to Social Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profile: An Alarming View
Rajathi S.
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Therapeutic Procedures and Care of a Child Nursing Considerations
Sushma Oommen,
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Case Report
Burkitts Lymphoma
Prachi Falke,
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