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  Indian Journal of Dental Education


Dr. Pankaj Datta, Ghaziabad

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Current issue: Volume 17, Number 2 (April - June ), 2024

Contents available from: 2008


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Editorial-Chief Dr. Pankaj Datta, Ghaziabad
ISSNp 0974-6099
ISSNe 2455-5355
Frequency Quarterly
IC Value 2015: 74.99, 2016: 76.53, 2018:96.05,2020: 92.97, 2021: 98.39
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2008
Affiliated to NIL

All disciplines within the field of dentistry

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 74.99, 2016: 76.53, 2018: 96.05, 2020: 92.97, 2021: 98.39)
NLM catalogue & locator plus, USA
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ResearchGate, Germany
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Gaudeamus Academia
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The Indian Journal of Dental Education is committed to communicate scientific advances in dentistry for the health of the dental community. The journal provides valuable tools for physicians, general practitioners, teachers and administrators involved in the prevention and treatment of dental diseases.

The Indian Journal of Dental Education is the peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Current Issue Volume 17,Number 2 2024
Original Article
Comparative Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Vulcanized Maxillofacial Silicone Material with and without Incorporation of 1% Clotrimazole as an Antifungal Agent: An In-Vitro Study
Shwetali Dattatray Powar,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Evaluation of Salivary Changes Following Intake of Different Beverages in Children at Different Time Intervals: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Srinivasan Kannaiah
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Perspectives of Pregnant Women’s Infant Oral Health Knowledge and Beliefs: A Prenatal Survey
K. Srinivasan
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Oral Health Status of Disabled Children Attending Special Schools in Vishakhapatnam City
RVSSK Kinneresh
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Review Article
Smokeless Tobacco: An Overview
Bhuvaneshwari NG
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Resin Cements in Dentistry
Prashanth Kumar Katta
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Case Report
A Comparative Clinical, Histological, and Radiographic Evaluation of Different Pulp Capping Materials on Permanent Teeth: Current Prospective and Future Direction
Ekta Choudhary,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Extra-Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma of the Hard Palate: An Uncommon Case Reported in an Adult Female
Ishita Singhal,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Warthin’s Tumor in Submandibular Salivary Gland: An Uncommon Extra Parotid Location
Ayushi Kediya
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]