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  Indian Journal of Legal Medicine


Dr. Vivekanshu Verma DFM, Gurugram


Current issue: Volume 3, Number 1-2 (January - December ), 2022

Contents available from: 2019


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Editorial-Chief Dr. Vivekanshu Verma DFM, Gurugram
Frequency 2
IC Value -
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2019
Affiliated to Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Health professionals, health administrators, attorneys, policy makers, and academics.

Abstracting and Indexing information

Not yet indexed, however it will be applied once it is elegible.

About the Journal

The Indian Journal of Legal Medicine is a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal focusing on the intersections of health, law, science and policy. The journal publishes short commentaries and articles, but longer articles also can be published. Topics relating to the journal include professional liability, bioethics legal issues, including clinical and research ethics, health care regulation, health science and technology law, food and drug law, public health and environment law, health and social justice law, international and human rights. Book review essays, including major contributions to the field, are also published.

The Indian Journal of Legal Medicine is the Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal.


Medical lawyers, lawyers, medical professionals and health care administrators and other professionals involved in medical legal training, research, consulting and corporate, administrative and private professional practice.

Current Issue Volume 3,Number 1-2 2022