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International Journal of Practical Nursing
About the journal
Mrs. Rupa A. Varma, Nagpur
RFPPL own journal

Researchers, scholars, or practitioners in Nursing

Volume 12, Number 1 (January - April ), 2024
December 05, 2023

Journal Description

The International Journal of Practical Nursing (IJPN) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal aimed at promoting the development and exchange of direct knowledge relevant to all areas of nursing and midwifery practice. The aim of the journal is to promote excellence in nursing and health care through the dissemination of evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical information and original research, discussion of relevant and controversial professional issues, respect for journalistic integrity and excellence standards and the promotion of the perspectives of nursing in health care professionals and the public.

The journal also seeks to improve the quality of research by publishing methods of introducing or developing analytical techniques, measurement methods and research methods for nursing, regardless of the location of the care. The IJPN tries to attract a wide readership of experienced nurses, students' nurses and those who support, inform and investigate nursing practices.