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Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing
About the journal
Dr. Pramilaa R., Ph.D., Bhopal
RFPPL own publication

Medical Surgical Nurses, Nursing Staff, Nursinf Faculty and Research Scholars

Volume 13, Number 1 (January – April ), 2024
December 05, 2023

Journal Description

The Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing (IJSN) is a peer-reviewed professional journal for surgical nurses. The journal, written by surgical nurses and for surgical nurses, contains clinical articles on a wide range of surgical procedures. The articles include patient education techniques and research findings in all articles of the journal. The Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing is dedicated to promoting adult health/medical surgical nursing practices. The IJSN supports adult health/medical surgical nurses in their efforts to achieve excellence in patient care, private practices and outpatient health environments at different locations around the world.

The Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing is a peer reviewed and refereed journal.