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Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice
About the journal
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bhatnagar, MD, Delhi
RFPPL own publication

Pathologists, Microbiologists, Forensic Scientists, Toxicologists and Geneticists

Volume 13, Number 1 (January - March), 2024
December 05, 2023

Journal Description

The Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice (IJPRP) is a peer-reviewed journal that outlines the latest advances in all fields of pathology. The review articles focus on recent progress in pathology, while the commentary discusses current interesting problems and hypotheses for future developments in the field of pathology as a whole. The original article focused on the latest findings in the field of general, anatomical, and molecular pathology. The IJPRP publishes clinical studies to encourage readers to share preliminary results, which may help their future studies.

The Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.