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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  11, Issue 2, May-August 2022, Pages 49-52

Review Article

Managing Nursing Career About Stress Management

K M Moni1 , Bhupender2 , Boby3 , S P Subashini4

1,3B.Sc. Nursing Students, 2 Assistant Professor, 4 Dean, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Galgotias University, Greater Noida 201306, Uttar Pradesh, India

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DOI: 10.21088/jpn.2277.9035.11222.6


Stress has been associated with every human life and is there to stay for all times to come. Right from birth every individual is undoubtedly exposed to various stressful situation. However, stress is not always bad. Some stress is always necessary to motivate and stimulate us.1 Hence, stress of certain level is very beneficial, stress is a fact of every human life and mostly experienced by the nursing professionals; it has become a great matter of concern for the employee of health organization. The individuals workingin the information nursing field face more stress because they have to update their knowledge continuously and care of the patients in every time.2 In present paper an attempt is made by the authors to understand the research gap in stress management in nurses.3 Thus, it’s necessary that the management of nurse field to take remedial measures to overcome the negative effects of stress on their staffs Keywords: Stress; Stressors; Types; Effect of Stress; Stress Coping Mechanism.

Corresponding Author : Bhupender,